Tips and tricks to protect your Vision from Harmful Blue Glare of Electric Devices
Researchers have stated that in the upcoming ten-twenty years, more than 80% of the population will suffer one or the other visual defects. Then everyone have to rely on glasses for visual corrections. But, what is the reason behind this above statement? The reason is prolonged exposure of our orifices to blue light, emitted by the screens of laptops, mobiles, and computers. What is blue light? The screens radiate white light, which comprises all seven color lights. Out of these, blue light has the optimal frequency and maximal energy. This light lies in the visible spectrum of 400-450nm, which makes it extremely hazardous for our eyes and vision. Tips and Tricks to preserve eyes from blue light Doctors and researchers have worked out a few tricks that can aid you to curtail the damage from blue light. Visuals are affected if prolonged use of electronic devices is observed. Try these tricks to lessen its hazardous effects. ● Do not use electric applian...